Copyright Holders

Dear copyright holders and licensees who have received an exclusive license for copyright and (or) related rights. If any information containing illegal objects of copyright and / or related rights, or information necessary for obtaining them via the Internet, is found on the website, You may apply with a statement of violation of copyright and (or) related rights (hereinafter - the Statement) to the owner of the site - LLC Eritcom (the address of the location is listed below). In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FL “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”, the corresponding Statement can be sent both in writing and to the email address

We remind you that the Application must contain:

1. information about the rightholder or the person authorized by the rightholder (if the application is sent by that person) (hereinafter referred to as the applicant): for an individual - last name, first name, middle name, passport details (series and number, issued by whom, date of issue), contact information (telephone and / or fax numbers, e-mail address); for a legal entity - the name, location and address, contact information (telephone and (or) fax numbers, e-mail address);

2. information about the object of copyright and (or) related rights posted on the website on the Internet without permission of the copyright holder or other legal basis;

3. indication of the domain name and (or) network address of the site on the Internet, on which information containing the object of copyright and (or) related rights, or information necessary to obtain it using information is placed without the permission of the right holder or other legal basis telecommunication networks, including the Internet;

4. an indication of the copyright holder's rights to the object of copyright and (or) related rights, posted on the website on the Internet without permission of the copyright holder or other legal grounds;

5. an indication of the absence of the copyright holder's permission to post on the website on the Internet information containing the object of copyright and (or) related rights, or information necessary to obtain it using information and telecommunications networks, including the Internet;

6. consent of the applicant to the processing of his personal data (for the applicant - an individual).

We draw your attention to the fact that the promptness of the response to your Application largely depends on compliance with the above requirements, as well as the correctness and completeness of the attached data.

LLC "Eritcom"
Jur. Address: 301657, Russia, Tula region, Novomoskovsk, ul. Astronauts 6A,
Mailing address: 301650, Russia, Tula region, Novomoskovsk, ul. Moskovskaya 23, a/i 8,