User agreement

1.Terms used in this User Agreement:

A site is a collection of interconnected web pages that are accessible on the Internet via the HTTPS protocol located at:; and united by a single theme, design, with the help of which commercial and non-commercial use is possible, including the distribution of Content among Users;

Company - Volnorez Limited Liability Company

Site User (User) - any individual accessing the Site via the Internet (via WAP and / or WEB protocols).

Site Administration (Administration) - Limited Liability Company “Volnorez”, which interacts with the Users in the process of using the Site and acquiring and / or using their Content / services (providing information support to the Users), as well as performing other actions related to the use Site.

User’s Personal Page (Personal Page) - a section of the Site accessible to the User after the User’s Registration, through which the User manages his Account (account), placing logos / photos, information, and other actions related to the use of the Site.

User Account (Account) is a virtual account that is assigned to the User during User Registration on the Site for replenishment and payment by the User for the purchase / use of the Services / Content. The Account reflects the amount of funds deposited by the registered User as an advance payment for the purchase / use of the Services / Content.

Services - the creation of conditions under which the user can stream, as well as additional features that extend the functionality of broadcasting on the Internet through an access point on the site.

Content - musical works and / or its phonograms, as well as video clips, audio books, games, films and other types of works, converted into a digital format, posted on the Site for use and / or distribution among Users.

Materials - photo, video, audio and text materials created and posted by the User on the Personal Page, for the use of which the User has the necessary scope of rights.

Authorization - activation of the User Account by entering a username and password provided to the User during the Registration of the User.

Account (account) - a record stored on the Site, containing information necessary to identify the User when providing access to the Site, information for Authorization and accounting on the Site. Such a record, including the user name and password (or other similar means of authentication).

Acceptance of the Agreement - the acquisition by the User of the Services / Content and / or selection of the item (ticking) “I have read and agree to the terms of the User Agreement and the Privacy Policy,” in Checkbox. After the Acceptance of the Agreement, the User is considered to have accepted the terms of this Agreement unconditionally and in full.

User Registration (Registration) - the procedure for providing the User with the information necessary for his identification on the Site, in accordance with the registration form (form), the filling of which is offered to the User before accepting the terms of this User Agreement.

2. General provisions

2.1.This agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “User Agreement” or “UA”) is concluded between the Company and the User and governs the relations regarding the use of the services provided by the Companies.

2.2.The company reserves the right to change, adjust and supplement this UA. All changes come into force from the moment of their publication on the Site.

2.3.In case the User does not agree with at least one of the clauses of the amended agreement, he undertakes to immediately notify the Technical Support Service in order to terminate the registration on the Site. At the same time, the remaining funds in the personal account of the profile are reset and are not refundable.

3. Subject of the User Agreement

3.1.The company offers the User the services listed in clause 4.3 of this UA.

4. Use / Purchase of Content

4.1. All questions of the acquisition of Internet access rights, purchases and adjustments for this relevant equipment and software products are resolved by the User independently and are not subject to this Agreement.

4.2. The account is appointed by the Administration during the User Registration process. Account replenishment is carried out by the User through any of the possible forms of payment presented on the site.

4.3. The introduction of funds by the User under this Agreement through the payment systems presented on the site is considered to be the payment directly to the Site Owner. The obligation of the User to make a payment shall be considered fulfilled from the moment such payment is made.

4.4. To purchase Content, a registered Site User must log in to the Site (perform Authorization), select Content, click on the link in the web / wap interface of the Site and go to the link to pay for the Content.

4.5. Payment for the Content using the User Account is carried out by reducing the cash balance reflected on the User Account according to the price category of the selected Content.

4.6. The prices and availability of any Content are set by the Site Owner themselves. The owner of the Site has the right to unilaterally change the prices and range of Content at any time.

4.7. After downloading the Content, the User acquires the right to reproduce such Content solely for personal non-commercial use, if the download involves the subsequent reproduction of the Content, and not a one-time use.

5. Description of services

5.1. The cost of services and the list of services are described on a page on the Internet at the permanent address: The Account is replenished by the User through any of the possible payment methods presented on the site.

5.2. To purchase a Service, a registered User of the Site must log in to the Site (perform Authorization), select the “Tariff Plans” menu item and go to the “Tariff Plans” page, select the required station and tariff. The amount for payment will be calculated automatically, in accordance with the selected tariff plan (selected options), then select the payment system. After recharging the selected service will connect automatically. Or, after authorization, select the “Add funds” item in the main menu, enter the required amount in the window that opens and select the payment system. After payment, the User must go to the “Tariff Plans” page and activate the service there.

5.4. Payment for the Service using the User Account is carried out by reducing the cash balance reflected on the User Account according to the price category of the selected tariff plan.

5.5. The prices and availability of any Services are set by the Site Owner themselves. The owner of the Site has the right to unilaterally change the prices and range of services at any time.

5.6. The process of connecting the Service takes place on the site within 1 hour.

5.7. After activating the Service, the User acquires the right to use the expanded functionality in accordance with the selected tariff plan.

6.Termination (deletion, blocking) of registration

6.1. The company has the right to terminate the relationship with the User in case of violation of this PS by the User. The company reserves the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services without giving reasons.

7. Rights and obligations of the parties

7.1. Use of the services of the Site

Registered users have the opportunity to post on the Site their photo, audio, text and other materials, including music and photographic works (hereinafter - Content). Being an unregistered user, you do not have access to the services (services) of the Site serving the placement of Content. You can only listen or view posted materials.

7.2. Responsibility for Content

You hereby agree and confirm that for all Content materials (photos, graphics, images, music, videos, messages, etc.) posted on the Site is the person who has created (created) and posted the Content (registered user). This means that it is you, and not the Site Administration, who are fully responsible for the legality of your actions performed using the services (services) of the Site and their consequences (including compensation for any loss and damage), including in cases of unauthorized reproduction and to the public information materials, the rights to which belong to third parties, as well as an encroachment on the honor, dignity and business reputation of third parties.

7.3. Intellectual Property Terms

When you post Content with the use of the services (services) of the Site, you are considered by the Site Administration as the copyright holder, unless otherwise specified. This, in particular, means that you guarantee the Administration of the Site that you own the rights to use the protected materials included in the Content, including the rights to reproduce, as well as to inform the general protected objects of copyright and related rights, if you grant open access to such materials. When posting Content, you guarantee the observance of the moral rights of authors and other rightholders in accordance with Part Four of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. When placing materials in your “personal account” that are subject to protection as objects of copyright and related rights, you need to place information about the authors of a musical or photographic work, indicating the carrier on which these works are recorded. When posting original materials (music without text, music with text, text, composition) you need to post a notification about this with the indication that you are the author of these materials. If you discover facts of unauthorized use of your works, we ask you to immediately inform the Administration. The administration recommends that you refrain from creating and placing materials that are an arrangement of musical works, since the arrangement requires the consent of the authors of the main musical work. Unauthorized copying and use of materials will be considered as a violation of the rights of third parties. In case of establishing the fact of placement of materials, the copyright of which the user is not, the materials will be immediately removed, at the request of the legal owner. In order to prevent abuse of rights, the right holder, who considers his rights violated, is obliged to provide the Administration with documents confirming his rights. In the event of a dispute between the user and the copyright holder, the Administration may be called upon to resolve the dispute only to provide information that may be relevant to the resolution of the dispute. The Site Administration reminds you that all trademarks and service marks belonging to the Site, as well as other means of individualization are objects of the Site Administration’s property rights, and their use without the permission of the Site Administration will be deemed to be counterfeit. You can use these objects only with the permission of the Site Administration, by sending a request to its address, and then concluding an additional agreement.

7.4. By placing its Content on the Site, the User shall transfer to the Administration the right to make copies of its Content in order to streamline and facilitate the publication and storage of user Content on the Site.

7.5. By placing its Content in any part of the Site, the User automatically grants the Administration a non-exclusive right to use it by copying, publicly performing, reproducing, processing, translating and distributing for the purposes of the Site or in connection with them, including to popularize it. For these purposes, the Administration may produce derivative works or insert User Content as integral parts in relevant collections, perform other actions that serve the achievement of these goals.

7.6. If the User deletes his Content from the Site, the rights mentioned in clause 7.4. - 7.5. of these Rules will be automatically revoked, however, the Administration has the right to keep archived copies of user Content for an indefinite period.

7.7. Sites and Content of third parties.

7.7.1. The site contains (or may contain) links to other sites on the Internet (third party sites) as well as articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, music, sounds, videos, information, applications, programs and other Content owned or emanating from third parties (Content of third parties), which is the result of intellectual activity and protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.7.2. The specified third parties and their Content are not checked by the Administration for compliance with any requirements (reliability, completeness, good faith, etc.). The Administration is not responsible for any information posted on third-party sites to which the User accesses through the Site or through Third-Party Content, including, among other things, any opinions or statements expressed on third-party sites or in their Content.

7.7.3. Links or guides on downloading files and (or) installation of third-party programs placed on the Website do not imply endorsement or approval of these actions by the Administration.

7.7.4. A link to any website, product, service, any information of a commercial or non-commercial nature posted on the Website is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products (services) by the Administration.

7.7.5. If the User decides to leave the Site and go to third-party sites or use or install third-party programs, he does so at his own risk and from this point on, these Terms no longer apply to the User. In further actions, the User should be guided by applicable rules and policies, including the business practices of those whose Content he intends to use.

7.8. User Restrictions.

The Content posted by the user should not contain: - materials that violate the current legislation of the Russian Federation; - materials encouraging the commission of illegal actions; - materials that excite social, racial, national or religious hatred and enmity, propagandize social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority, and equally discriminate people on the basis of gender, age, ethnic or other characteristics; - materials containing appeals for terrorist activity or justifying terrorism, other extremist materials; - materials containing and / or promoting pornography, scenes, images, description of violence, cruelty, inhuman treatment of animals; - materials that affect the intellectual rights of third parties (including the rights to any patent, trademark, copyright and related rights); - materials affecting the dignity of the person, honor and good name, business reputation (including insulting, degrading, slanderous materials); - materials violating the rights to protect the image of a citizen; - materials that violate or create a threat of violation of the rights and legally protected interests of third parties; - materials that the User does not have the right to make available under the law or in accordance with any contractual relationship (including disclosing personal, family, commercial and other secrets protected by law or contract); - materials containing hidden inserts, as well as those created using other techniques and methods that affect the subconscious of people and (or) have a harmful effect on their health; - materials containing information about methods, methods of development, manufacture and use, places of purchase of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, as well as promoting any advantages of using certain narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors; - not specifically allowed advertising information, "junk" mail, spam, schemes "pyramids", "letters of happiness"; - inconsistent transfer of records of an advertising, commercial or campaigning nature; - materials containing viruses or other computer codes, files or programs designed to violate, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer or telecommunications equipment or programs for unauthorized access, as well as serial numbers to commercial software products, logins, passwords and other means for obtaining unauthorized access to paid resources on the Internet; - links to resources, the content of which does not comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. The Site Administration recommends to refrain from posting materials related to references or recommendations on the use of tobacco products and alcoholic beverages. The Site User is not entitled to use other people's data, to try to introduce identity with celebrities, political or public figures and cultural figures. The user is responsible for attempts to gain unauthorized access to the database of the Site or other related computer systems, attempts to circumvent or damage the security system that prevents the use or copying of materials whose use and copying is prohibited. User may not reformat or create any part of the Web pages that are part of the Site.

8. Final provisions

8.1. This Agreement is governed by and interpreted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Issues not regulated by the Agreement shall be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

8.2. This Agreement and any published changes to this Agreement are fully in effect and remain in force for the entire period of the User’s use of the Site, regardless of registration on the Site.

8.3. If for one reason or another one or more of the rules of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, it does not affect the validity or applicability of the other rules

8.4. For all questions and claims, as well as for the return of funds Users can contact:

LLC "Volnorez"
Jur. Address: 301657, Russia, Tula region, Novomoskovsk, ul. Astronauts 6A,
Mailing address: 301650, Russia, Tula region, Novomoskovsk, ul. Moskovskaya 23, a/i 8,
INN/KPP: 7116507480/711601001,
OGRN: 1117154025713,
OKPO: 92997254,
account: 40702810866000004323,
Branch No. 8604 of Sberbank of Russia, Tula,
t/s: 30101810300000000608,
bik: 047003608